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What is WRONG with ME? (or 10 Ways to Get Out of a Funk and Feel Re-energized!)

Every now and then, I get in a SERIOUSLY funky, crappy, and all-around bad mood. For me, it just feels like everything SUCKS! Now, I say a couple of weeks. Ask my husband, though, and he might say a couple of months! If you've never felt this way, consider yourself lucky. If you know this feeling, you realize it is very difficult to pull it all together. Below are some tried, and true, ways to get out of a slump and get your life back on track.


I don’t know what it is, or if I’m the only one, but I feel so much more energized when I take a shower. If I’m in a ‘blah’ sort of mood, showers always perk me up and make me feel better. Maybe it’s just me?


For me, this is usually writing. But for you it could be drawing, painting, crafting, singing – anything. Doing something creative, or something that lets you express yourself, is definitely a mood-booster.


As you probably know, exercise is scientifically proven to put you in a better mood. I’ve found that this is one of the best ways to pull me out of my funk. You can do a full workout, or just take a walk around the block – anything that gets you moving should help you feel better! There’s a reason why you feel like you have more energy after physical activity. Sitting for a long period of time puts your body in a sluggish state, making it hard for you to feel energetic.If you’re feeling like this, get up and take a quick walk to get the energy flowing again. Walking won’t only help your body feel more energetic, it will also help clear your mind and get your creative juices flowing again.


Reading is something that really puts me in a good mood. Getting totally lost in a good book – in a character’s life – can help you to just take a break from your own life, and pull you out of a funk.


Listening to upbeat, happy music is sure to lift your mood, at least a little. Or even better, play your favorite happy song and dance around a little – you’ll be getting some exercise too! Also, you could try yoga, meditation, a relaxing bath, or journaling.


Getting fresh air and sunshine is a great way to get out of a bad mood. Go for a walk, just sit outside, or even just open up your windows to let the fresh air and sun inside – whatever works.


Call a trusted friend and ask them if you can just be selfish for just a minute and vent because you’re in a bad mood or you’re having a crappy day. Sometimes all you need to do is get stuff of your chest. Be careful, though. If you have negative people like this in your life, you should probably stop spending time with them, if possible. If it’s not possible to totally avoid them, try to limit the amount of time you’re around them. If they’re a co-worker, a family member, or someone else that you’re forced to be around all the time, it can be more complicated. Maybe you should just confront them when they’re killing your vibe – just kindly ask them to stop being such a Negative Nelly!


Meditation is like a magic pill. It seriously helps with so much stuff, including a bad mood. Just sit down, stand up, lay down (whatever works for you), close your eyes, and breathe deeply for a few minutes. Just let your mind focus on your breath. That’s a sure way to clear your mind and brighten your mood.


Seriously. Make a list of everything that you can think of that you’re thankful for and read over it a few times. Literally everything – from your family and friends to that cute new pair of shoes you bought. Focusing on all of the amazing things in your life that you’re thankful for is a great mood booster.


Do something to improve yourself. Learn something, read a book, watch a documentary, try out a new hobby (or spend time doing one of your favorite hobbies), do some journaling, read some of your favorite blogs, take a class. Working on improving yourself is probably one of the best ways to pull yourself out of a funk/bad mood.


Maybe your ‘funk’ is really just a sense of being lost or feeling like you don’t have a purpose. So pull out your list of goals (or make one!) and make a to-do list of a few tasks you can do that will bring you closer to your goals.


Grab some junk food, put on your PJs, and watch Netflix. Sometimes you’re just in a funk and you need to embrace it. I’m not saying that you should do this every time you’re having a bad day – but sometimes there’s nothing you can do but accept it. Maybe you need a break. Just remember: tomorrow is a new day!

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